Like a game jam, but we make silly websites instead!
With a late 90's / early 2000's aesthetic.


The Jam will run from July 15, 2024 1:00 PM (CST) until August 19, 2024 1:00 PM (CST).
Discuss your ideas and share wip's in the discord server's #website-jam-chat channel.
When you're ready, submit a link to your website in the #website-jam-entries channel.

To get a discord invite link, go to Nova's stream
and type !discord in chat - it'll even work when she's offline!


Jam Theme

And for the heck of it, let's also try a few optional wildcards:
Note: you don't have to use the theme or any of the wildcards!
They're just there if you wanted some creative constraints.


Retro Web Examples

Project Ideas